It’s getting hotter outside. As summer approaches and the temperature continues to rise, it’s important to make sure that your HVAC system is in proper operating condition.
Unfortunately, HVAC systems don’t last forever. They break down with age and eventually need to be replaced.
If you’re curious about how long do HVAC systems last, you’ve come to the right place for the answers you need. This article takes a look at the average life of an air conditioner.
Keep reading to discover insight into when it’s time to invest in a replacement.
Typical HVAC Lifespan
Never take for granted how hard your HVAC system works to keep you cool during the summer and warm throughout the winter months. In fact, it often works day and night to keep you and your family comfortable.
On average, an HVAC should last between 12 to 15 years. The key is to make sure it receives proper care and maintenance in order to keep in top conditions. Below are some helpful tips for extending the HVAC lifespan.
Change the Air Filter Regularly
Changing the air filter in your HVAC unit is extremely important for keeping the system running efficiently. Filters are relatively inexpensive, and learning how to change them is super easy.
Clean filters will also help to lower your monthly energy bill.
Invest in a New Thermostat
Take the time to inspect the thermostat in your home. Set the temperature you want to maintain inside, and then make sure that the heating/cooling unit kicks on and accurately reaches the desired temp.
If you notice a problem, that could be a sign that it’s time to upgrade your thermostat. You can purchase a quality digital thermostat any most home improvement stores for a modest price. It will be worth every penny you pay.
Schedule Yearly Service
It’s also important to have your HVAC system service at least once a year. Scheduling two tune-ups during a twelve-month period is recommended for optimum performance.
An experienced HVAC professional will have the skills necessary to make sure that your unit runs properly for as many years as possible.
Inspect Your Condenser
The condenser in your HVAC unit is built to stand up to outdoor elements, but it can also become damaged during extreme weather conditions. That’s why it’s important to take the time to inspect your condenser following severe storms.
Clear Away Debris
Finally, be sure to clear away any debris that has accumulated on your HVAC unit. This could include leaves, branches, snow, and anything else that might result in restricted airflow to the fan.
Keep in mind that keeping the HVAC free of debris will help keep it running efficiently, thus lowering your energy bill and keeping the inside of your home comfortable.
Understanding How Long Do HVAC Systems Last
Heating and cooling your home can be expensive. The more you know about how long do HVAC systems last will help you take steps to extend the lifespan of your unit for as long as possible.
Please feel free to contact us to schedule AC repair for your home.